AppVision Community

Launch of our community platform: AppVision™ Community

We promised our partners that we would find a way to communicate with them more simply and quickly.
We have done just that! Today it is finally ready.

We are pleased to announce the launch of our community platform AppVision™ Community.

Who is invited to sign up?

AppVision™ Community has been set up for all our partners:

  • Distributors
  • Integrators
  • Technology (Manufacturers)
  • Consultants
It is a private platform (not listed on Google) and only those who are admitted can access the content.

What type of content will I be able to access?

The first objective of AppVision™ Community is for us, Prysm Software, to be able to communicate regularly on the following topics:

  • Bug fixes, updates, news…
  • Availability of sales and marketing documentation
  • Organisation of webinars, demos…etc.
We also want this platform to facilitate the exchange between partners, whether for information or to collaborate on projects.

How do I join the community?

If as a partner you would like to join us on AppVision™ Community and have not yet received your invitation, click on the button below.