Critical Infrastructures

Critical infrastructures and industrial sites face many challenges. Among them: prevention of external intrusions, safety of staff and local residents, and compliance with environmental regulations

AppVision™ is helping the industry to meet these challenges.

Thanks to the standard protocols natively integrated, our PSIM platform can interface with industrial supervision softwares. Secondly, AppVision™ includes a library of more than 200 drivers to interface it with proprietary systems. Finally, AppVision™ guarantees the possibility to upgrade the entire installation without impacting the architecture.

Sites sensibles


Sécurité des peronnes

Keeping people safe

The security of sensitive sites is becoming increasingly complex. It must protect and prevent malicious acts from outside to ensure the safety of the people working there. Cybersecurity is also an important element because sensitive infrastructures are prime targets for malicious organisations.

Industrial activity is an integral part of site safety. Procedures in the event of an incident are strict and it is essential that operators are able to follow them rigorously and easily.

AppVision™ allows the entire installation (security, industrial activity and cybersecurity) to be controlled from a single interface and to interact as necessary.

In the event of an incident, thanks to functionalities such as the workflow and the scenario engine, the emergency procedures are clearly visible to the operator. This guarantees reactivity in the event of a problem or incident within the site.

Règles sécurité


The regulations to which sensitive sites are subject are constantly changing. This leads to the need to implement new monitoring systems and to modify alarm configuration parameters. But more importantly, it means that the security management platform must be configured and maintained by a company with expertise in this industry sector. At Prysm, we are not specialists in any particular sector or market.

This is why Prysm Software transfers skills to all its partners which are usually market oriented. Prysm Software ensures that the staff of the partner is correctly trained to all the tools needed to implement and develop the configuration autonomously. With this positioning, Prysm Software guarantees no PSIM editor lock-in to partners and end users.

Main technologies

Video Systems

VMS caméra

Video Analytics


Public Address

Alerte mégaphone

Access Control

Contrôle accès ville



Network Security

sécurité réseau



Vehicle Scan, ANPR

scan sous véhicule

IoT sensors


Lone Worker Protection




Risk management
